1. Safely guarded by plants, but isolated thus in overall danger, a headwater stream flows down the campus of the Universidad Autónoma de Centro América (UACA) and feeds the María Aguilar River.
We have an opportunity to protect and improve the quality of headwater streams and wetlands through design and technology as a tool. According to americanrivers.org the natural processes that occur in such headwaters benefit humans by avoiding floods, maintaining water quality and quantity, recycling nutrients, and providing habitat for plants and animals.
( http://www.americanrivers.org/newsroom/resources/where-rivers-are-born-the-scientific-imperative-for-defending-small-streams-and-wetlands/ )
Lat: 9°55'8.37"N
Long: 84° 1'25.44"O
2. The María Aguilar river and Biological Corridor. Highly threatened by urban development without control or design.
Lat: 9°55'4.37"N
Long: 84° 1'29.68"O
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